Wednesday, March 14, 2012

DJ Competition ALERT: InSoulWeTrust DJ Competition will host a DJ competition each month. House Music Only!!! Winners will be picked by the number of votes the mix receives. Read here for the full set of rules

The winner will receive:
  • A page dedicated to them on complete with bio, images, links and the winning mix.
  • A guest spot on DIGITAL RESPONSE which airs on 

Steps to submit your mix.

Rules to submit your mix.
Your mix must be a mp3 file.
Your mix must be all in one file.
files must not be bigger then 200mb
bit rate must be 128 or lower.
These can characters can not be in the title of the mix,.,!,@,#,$,%,^,&,&,*)

Please see for full rules and details for this competition.
Have fun and good luck!

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